Life coaching has so many benefits and there are many Life Coaches who specialize in specific areas that I may not address below. While my focus is primarily with young adults (high school graduates through college-age) who are looking for guidance during the transition from high school, I am happy to meet with you to see if I can assist in helping you achieve life-long change.

Transitioning from High School

Transitioning from high school can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. By outlining small goals, the larger components of post-high school will be less intimidating. You will develop skills to help you navigate what is important and how you can gain control over your new environment.

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Academic and Performance Success

Grades are important, but these don't always reflect learning. You will develop skills that help you prioritize your academic and performance goals and gain an understanding of where these fall in the continuum of self-awareness.

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Goal Setting

The to-do list never seems to get smaller and those items that seem insignificant can sometimes overwhelm and stall your efforts. You will develop skills to help you identify and prioritize your goals and work on a schedule of phases to achieve success.

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Organizational Skills &

Time Management

There isn't a single strategy that works for all people, so it is important to know what works for you. You will develop skills to identify what type(s) of strategies work with the type of person you are.

With only so many minutes and hours in a day, they seem to slip by without us noticing. You will develop skills to organize your time with careful planning and prioritization (including "you" time).

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Fees for Services

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